RIGIPS TURDA // Renovation of a vertical oven for a subsidiary of the SAINT-GOBAIN Group

ALPHAPLATRE has once again joined forces with the construction giant SAINT GOBAIN, and more precisely with RIGIPS Turda. The latter is a subsidiary of the global group based in Romania. It specializes in the treatment of gypsum and the marketing of plaster-based products for the construction market.

RIGIPS Turda is currently in the process of modernizing their production tool. This Romanian company wanted to entrust ALPHAPLATRE with the renovation of its vertical oven. The deal closed in October 2018. It included the supply of a new combustion chamber, a heating system, and oven supply and extraction screws. For the production of these elements, the workshop in Poland was mainly requested. Finally, the ALPHAPLATRE team of supervisors went to Romania. They were thus able to ensure the entire assembly and start-up in accordance with the rules.